Elder William Perry's Mission Address

Elder William Neldon Perry
Finland Helsinki Mission

Neitsytpolku 3 A 4 FI
00140 Helsinki

Send all mail to the mission home above


Serving from
March 2011 to March 2013

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 5, 2012

This week has been so great!

First of all, I recieved Grandma's package the day before my birthday. I love her cards haha. I also recieved your cards dad! So cool! I will write to grandma perry, and thank her. My birthday was very great! We found a new investigator! She is so pre-pared. I'll tell ya the story. It built my testimony about using the area book, and following up.

A little while ago we felt like we should go try a former investigator and her husband. We went to the house, and the lady said, my husband has just died, and things are out of order right now, come back in a couple months. We did so. Last week we set up a teach, and gave her a chapter in the Book of Mormon to read. When we showed up with our member to teach, she had read the chapter, and had a lot of questions. She was so humble, and loving.

However our member destroyed haha. We went from the first and second resurrections to how satan will be bound for 2000 years, to ahhh! However the Lord knew that she was ready. After he finished talking, we humbly shared our testimonies, about how the real answer's to her questions are in the Book of Mormon. We taught her about it, and testified. The Spirit was so strong, and as I was about to commit her to baptism, our member came in... ( bless his heart haha). But it's okay, I know the Lord will help her. She wants to meet again!

When we went home, we got a text message, and she thanked us for our visit. She said she felt so good, and that she felt very happy, or something like that. It was so cool!

I learned the importance of using the area book to find people. When people stop investigating the church, the Lord helps them, and continues to prepare them. However if we don't follow up, we can't help them.

On my birthday, we went to a recent converts house in the morning, and they had made me a cake! It was so cool! It was a strawberry cake, with white frosting on it! It had berries on top with the shape of a 20! Then we went to another DA, and they made me a cake too! I felt sick by the end of the day!

We got a phone call from President and he was suprised haha. He told us He had prayed about it a lot, and He felt like we should stay together haha. This was a couple days after we had set some huge goals, and plans for the city (before change call day)! I know the Lord wants us to rip it up here! It is going to be such a great change!

I want you to know how much I love you both. I think about you both, and pray for you both. You both mean so much to me. I hope you don't think that because I'm way over here in Finland, that i don't think about you, because I do. Hold to that rod! Don't let go, and everything will work out.

Elder Perry

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