Hello Vanhemmat,
This week has been very interesting. I have had some very interesting experiences. First of all we had Kieli koulu down in Helsinki which was really fun. It is language school where we talk about our language study plans, and certain things like that. I really liked it. Haha it is so hard typing in english because I keep wanting to put finnish cases on all the words!! Anyways... we have seen a lot of Miracles. I love emailing home because it is a chance to count my blessings, and really think about the success we have recieved.
I want you both to know of the reality of the Savior. It seems as though we can literally hear His voice in our heads. Telling us what we need to do. Dad told me, "sometimes God let's us suffer for awhile." It is part of our growing process. I have learned things that I am so grateful for.
On the train ride to Helsinki I gave a baptismal commitment to someone on the train!! It was hilarious, she said no! But i still went for it. Our District Leader gave us the commitment to do it on the train, and so I went for it. We actually gave her a Book of Mormon, and it was really sweet.
I am so grateful to hear both of your stories, and it inspires me to see how you are living the gospel in both your lives. Remember "there is no other name given under heaven whereby man can be saved." Christ is so real. I think I take that for granted sometimes. A relationship with Him is something that money can't buy, and it's something that you cannot fake. You either have one or you don't haha.
So mom, we made your corn chowder soup, and it turned out very good. We made a ton, and I like it a lot. I am gonna have to make a list of the things I need haha. Those corn torrtilas hit the spot too haha. We invented meals using them.. Ah!! they were so good. Thank you so much for your package, and those M&M's are long gone... I actually need a couple things from home: I need my Blue Finnish Grammer Book by Fred karlson. I was a dunce for sending that home. I need you to send Taco seasoning like no other haha. American taco seasoning is so much better than the Finn stuff.
Anyways, about the veggies you were talking about, you will be proud to know that I eat them every day! I love squash now. We stir fry them. I am really excited because I have been saving so much money. I didn't have to buy a bike, or coats or any clothes really haha. So today i am going to go buy a legite finnish journal. I was praying about how I could improve my study plan, and make it more effective and I felt like I should start a journal in Finnish. It is kind of weird to be excited about that but... I don't even care. I have really developed a desire to learn the language. Heavenly Father has been helping me there big time.
I love walking with people and being able to understand what they're saying. Sometimes I just nod my head and pretend I understand, and then ask if we can make an appointment ;) They don't even know though, because I'm really good at pretending to understand haha. (You would know about that attribute of mine.. huh mom....)
Dad could you send me some Kiwi black shoe polish, i'm running out. and if you could send some cool aid packets that would be sweet. I have been living it up on the cool aid. I think that is so awesome about the car show, but the Dodge Durrango!! What the heck! That's like trying to sell ice over the internet!!
I wish I could have seen the boys, and I haven't recieved a letter from them! Tell them to get on that!
Well anyways I hope you have a good week to both of you. Spiritual thought of the week comes from 3 Nephi 13:11 "If ye then, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in Heaven give good things to them that ask him?" We have a perfect Heavenly Father who can help us with anything. This is the Savior talking, and I want you both to really ponder that. Read it, and think about what things you stand in need of, or things you really need help with to improve on. I want to testify to the reality of this promise. Although they don't come on our time table...... they do come.
Raakaudella, Sinun Poikasi
Vanhin Perry
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