Elder William Perry's Mission Address

Elder William Neldon Perry
Finland Helsinki Mission

Neitsytpolku 3 A 4 FI
00140 Helsinki

Send all mail to the mission home above


Serving from
March 2011 to March 2013

Friday, December 16, 2011

November 28, 2011

Another week in SNOW!!

We have been working really hard this week, and the blessings have really been poured out from our Heavenly Father. Our mission president has really been stressing the importance of praying always. When we're outside, in a teach, wherever. So last monday I really tried to take it to heart. We had a very cool experience. While I was riding my bike to a specific area I decided to say a little prayer.

I said, "Heavenly Father, I'm not really sure how I'm suppose to do this, but I pray that thou wilt help us to find those that are ready... or something like that. We felt we should go say hi to one of our investigators in the area. After we were leaving his home, we went outside and as elder rogers was opening his bike, the key broke!! I immediately said, "Why are we here!!?"

We talked for a little bit, and I felt really good about going to a building across the way. We talked about it, and ended up going. As we were tracting I had this amazing feeling that we were in the right place. We came across this door, and it was my turn. I knocked and these two huge black guys answered the door. He asked, "You guys Mormon?" I said, of course haha. He said, "The bible says you cannot serve God, and mormon." I said we don't serve mormon, we serve jesus christ haha. He said, Come in! haha we followed him, and he left us in their living room for a minute. There was a huge sword on the wall!! I leaned over to vanhin rogers, and said while laughing haha We're gonna die!! It was so funny, we started bursting up laughing!

We started teaching him, and he was so prepared!! He kept asking all the questions that we have answers to about life, and god, and everything! And then his other black friend (in a spido) came and started listening! And then this other black guy came and started listening! We found three new investigators. It was such a spiritual teach. I was so grateful for that experience! It was so cool to listen to a prompting and figure out that it was the answer to someone's prolonged prayer.

Elder Rogers is legit! He and I get along so well! We have so much fun doing everything together. Even though sometimes he still stares at me while I sleep... I've learned to accept him for who he is haha. Just kidding! He reminds me a lot of Jace Larsen! (Bytheway can you find out where jace larsen went on his mission?) We literally laugh about everything. He helps me with my finnish so much. The Lord has really been helping me with my finnish. I have been so grateful for his love, and help, and advice. I know I couldn't puhua suomea ilman häntä.

So as far as thanksgiving.... a little awkward. We end up going to this couples house for thanksgiving, and we literally don't know anyone there. I talked to a lot of people, haha. Poor Elder Rogers was on the other side of the room haha. And then they started pulling out the alcohol haha. I just decided we need to finish and leave haha. As we were leaving they asked, Do you want pie to go?? OF COURSE WE DID!! We took it and left. Elder Rogers was a little tipsy, I guess He picked the wrong juice haha. IT was a joke! Chill... He didn't drink anything!

As far as the pictures, thank you so much! They made my day! That is so great! I will make sure and get you our cell phone number. We only have a cell phone, so sorry about that. Make sure and look for a code online that can get you keeper minutes. Elder Weaver told me about it, and his parents only had to pay like 12 cents a minute.



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