So yesterday was pretty cool! Talk about getting TRUNKY!!! (Thinking about home) I got a call from America, and it was pretty interesting. The people I talked to were pretty interested in the gospel, however they weren't progressing so I had to drop them haha. Just kidding! It was so good to hear both of your voices! I started to get a little choked up when you both got on the phone, but I'm pretty sure it's because a little bit of dust fell from the ceiling! It's weird thinking I just talked to you, and now i'm emailing you guys. It was kind of cool. Dad, I read your letter in my package, and then you called right after I finished it. Pretty sweet. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, I was so excited about talking to all of you.
I can't believe I'm going on my year mark. This time next year I'll be getting ready to come home. I can't believe it! It freaks me out haha! I want to come home and see you guys, but at the same time it's like, wow... my mission is done. So it pumped me up to go even harder, and live without regrets! That is one quote I've really taken to heart. Living without regrets. So far, I feel very good about what I've accomplished. Obviously I made mistakes, and could have done things better looking back, but If I had to go back, I wouldn't change anything. I've learned so much from my mistakes, and it motivates me to move forward, and improve.
So about the Jet calender... it's pretty much... THEE COOOOLEST THING IN MY APARTEMENT! I hung up the picture of Christ next to my new F-22 raptor jet picture... uh... I don't know about that one, but, big whoop. I love it! I'm trying to figure out what I should do with the Christ calender. Maybe I'll give it to Elder Larsen and make him schedule all of my appointments on it. I love the pictures though! Tell Aunt marsha thank you so much! The T-shirt is pretty big, but I'm going to try and shrink it today in the wash. Haha Elder Larsen called the Blue angels, the Blue hornets last night... uh... we'll give it to him this time, given that it is the F-18 Super Hornet. Haha soo great! I am already on like page 50 in that book you gave me by John Bythway. Still not sure if it's okay to read during lunch and stuff, but I'm going to until someone mentions something haha. Tell Toni thank you so much, and I will write letters! It is going to take me awhile, because I have a lot to respond to. (That was not being prideful, it was an FF for today Fun Fact).
I had kind of a cool experience this last week. I already told Dad about it, but We were in a teach, and this girl had researched a lot of anti mormon stuff.. oh brother... anyways, she mentioned some things that I didn't even know about. On the way home it really kind of questioned my testimony. I was already frustrated with some other aspects of the teach, but this was kind of the last straw. When we got home for lunch, I went and laid on my bed for a minute. I laid on my bed, and the things she brought up really started eating at me. Then it reminded me of what Nephi did, when he heard things he didn't understand. He cried unto the Lord. I decided to talk to Heavenly Father about it. I said a little prayer laying there, and as I explained my frustrations, and concerns, a voice came into my mind and heart. It said, "Elder Perry, Don't you give up!" There was so much emotion in it. It sounded like Grandma Huntley's voice. I could imagine her face telling me not to give up. Kind of like she would beat me if I did haha. But I felt how much love Heavenly Father had for me. I felt his compassion in my trial. I felt how badly He wants me to come home to him.
I gained a new testimony of how much our Father in Heaven wants us back. Sometimes it's easy to think, we're here, and he's there, and that's it. But I know that's not the case. He is there, with open arms at the end of the finish line, just waiting to recieve us. It's up to us whether or not we want to finish the run. Although we might trip or hurt, or loose a shoe, it is still completely up to us whether or not we want to finish.
I know that if we have a concern about a gospel principle, or a member of the church or whatever.. if we go to the Lord first (not relying on our own wisdom) He will soften our heart, and help us to understand. I know this is true.
I am so grateful for Christmas, because it really is a special time of the year. The reason everyone feels that Christmas spirit, is because it's a time when thoughts turn to Christ. Love fills the air, because He is remembered. I love bearing my testimony about Him. I don't understand a lot of things, and I'm not a perfect teacher. However I do know that He lives. I feel His guidance, and love. I feel His concern for me, and for our investigators. The counsel He has given me over the years, has blest my life so much. I am with Elder Scott, when He says, I love and adore Him. I know we can change and overcome our weaknesses. Your called to bear your cross, and I'm called to bear mine. But with him, it's as if were not carrying a thing. As if those minor things (to us) that seem so unbearable and taken from us. The reason being..... they are.
I love you all so much. Every one of you. Please don't forget how much I care about you. I can't wait until I can hear your voices again. But, before ya know it, it will be mothers day talking to you again.
You all are so great, Love
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